
Embedding the applet into websites

Before you can think about embedding the applet into your website, download either the binary or the latest release. In the latter case, you find the binary in the "lib"-directoy.

Copy "hyperapplet.jar" to your website. Let's assume the jar file is located at path-to-jar/hyperapplet.jar.

Create your graphs. This is described here, but you can of course use any of the example graphs on this site. The graphs have to be located in the same directory as your html file or in any directory below this one. This is important because the applet has only access to these directories. Let's assume your file is path-to-graphs/my-graph.xml, where the path is relative to the html file.

Make sure you have a copy of the GraphXML.dtd file in the same directory as your GraphXML file ( path-to-graphs ).

Edit your html files. There are different ways to embed an applet into a website, namely the applet, embed and the object tag. The applet tag is the simplest and it can be used as follows :

< applet code="hypergraph.applications.hexplorer.HExplorerApplet" align="baseline" archive="path-to-jar/hyperapplet.jar" width="500" height="500" >

< param name="file" value="path-to-graphs/my-graph.xml" >

< /applet >