Visual properties

The applet uses some properties to adjust the visual appearance of the applet. These properties are :

hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.fontName : This property allows to set the font that is used in the applet. It can be any font that is available in Java, classical font names like Arial can be used. Be careful to take common fonts so that you can be sure they are known to any browser / java installation.

hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.sizex and hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.scalex : These properties are used to adjust the text size. There are 4 different sizes, the first (x=1) being the biggest, the last (x=4) the smallest size. Depending on the position of the text, a scale of the text is computed; this scale is 1 in the center and reduces to 0 at the border. If the scale is greater than the property hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.scale1, the text has a font size of hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.size1. If the scale is between scale1 and scale2, size2 is used etc.

hypergraph.hyperbolic.text.color, hypergraph.hyperbolic.line.color and hypergraph.hyperbolic.background.color : Set the default text, line and background color. Valid values are color names or hexadecimal triples like #ff0000 (rgb color model). The first two digits represent red, digits 3 and 4 green and the last two blue, so #ff0000 is red, #ffffff white etc. The valid color names are listed here not found.. The text and line colors can be overwritten by the attributes in an GraphXML file.